AMT 50

The AMT 50 Anti-mold Tunnel ensures greater durability for your baked goods by applying anti-mold preservatives evenly and precisely.

Equipped with an inlet sensor and high flow control pump, the belt system allows for a continuous process, while the filtration mechanism makes it possible to reuse surplus anti-mold.

Developed in accordance with NR-12 safety standards, this modular equipment is easy to couple to an existing line and helps optimize production costs in the final stage, ensuring that your products have a longer shelf life.

Technical Specifications:

  • Height: 1300mm 
  • Width: 826mm
  • Length: 1510mm
  • Weight: 195Kg
  • Frequency: 60Hz
  • Power: 0.88KW
  • Voltage: 220V Single Phase

Attention: the anti-mold preservative does not come with the machine. SIGAMAQ does not provide this product.

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