IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is a technology that connects your machines to the network, allowing for real-time monitoring and control. With IIoT, you can track the health of machines, manage production, and even anticipate maintenance, all in an automated way.
These new solutions will bring greater control, predictability, and traceability, in addition to optimizing the management and maintenance of your equipment.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our services. Our best team will provide your response within few hours.
Head Office
Rua Augusto Laffin, 215 – Centro
Massaranduba – SC, 89108-000
Ibiza Trade Center Office
Rua Dr. Léo de Carvalho, 74 Salas 1706 e 1707 – Velha, Blumenau – SC, 89036-239
Developed by Pottmayer IT.